Jain Religion bestows the right of attaining the rank of Teerthankar to any Bhavya (libratable) soul by the practice of 16 Reflections or Solahkaran Bhavnas, showing the great generosity of this philosophy.
There are 16 reflections for contemplation or for practice in the path of Salvation. These reflections are contemplated or practised again & again to be firm in Ratnatraya or Right Faith, Right Knowledge & Right Conduct leading to become even Teerthankar. These 16 reflections are as follows-
1.Darshan-Vishuddhi” (Purity of Right Faith)–It is the pure Right Faith devoid of twenty-five defects.
2.Vinaya Sampannata” (Endowment with Reverence)-It is to offer proper reverence to true Dev-Shastra-Guru i.e. true Lord (God)-Scriptures-Preceptors and to Ratnatraya i.e. Right Faith-Right Knowledge & Right Conduct.
3.Sheelvrateshvanatichar (Non-violatory Observance of Primary and Secondary Conduct)-It is the faultless observance of five primary vows of non-violence etc. along with secondary or supplementary vows like giving-up anger etc. which safeguard the primary vows.
4.Abhikshna Gyanopayog (Incessant Pursuit of Knowledge)-It is the constant indulgement in gaining the Knowledge of Soul etc. 7 tattvas (Reals) & 6 dravyas (Realities) etc.
5.Samveg (Emotional Excitement for Salvation with the Fear for Worldly Transmigration)-It is to remain always in contemplation about the fear for worldly transmigration and to desire for true religion and its fruit.
6.Shaktitastyag (Donations as per Capacity)-It is the offer or bestowing of food, medicine, shelter and knowledge to the eligible person depending on one’s capacity.
7.Shaktitastap (Austerities as per Capacity)-It is to practice austerities like fasting etc. and bearing afflictions etc. as per one’s capacity, neither more nor less.
8.Sadhu-Samadhi (Protection of Saints)-It is to remove obstacles in the way of ascetic observances and remove inflictions on Saints. It is also to die a holy death (Samadhi-Maran).
9.Vaiyavrityakaran (Pious Respectful Service)-It is to offer pious respectful sercive to the ailing, novice or older saints to smoothen their observances.
10. Arhant-Bhakti (Devotion to the Omniscient)-It is to offer devotion, worship and eulogy to Bhagwan Arhant or Lord Jinendra.
11. Acharya-Bhakti (Devotion to the Head of the Saints)-It is to have the devotion for the Acharya or the Head of the Saints.
12. Bahushrut-Bhakti (Devotion to the Spiritual Teachers)-It is to offer the devotion to the Upadhyayas or the Spiritual teachers.
13. Pravachan Bhakti (Devotion to the Scriptures)-It is to have the devotion for Jinvani or Jain Scriptures.
14. Aavashyak Aparihani (Regular Practice of Essential Duties)-It is to practise six essential duties like observance of equanimity (Samayik) etc. daily at proper time without any escape or gap with full care.
15. Marg-Prabhavna (Glorification of Jain-Path)-It is the promotion and propagation of Jain Religion through various ways.
16. Pravachan-Vatsalatva (Affection for Co-religionists)- It is to have a selfless deep affection and brotherhood for co-religionists like the cow and the calf.
Out of these sixteen, the first one of the ‘Purity of Right Faith’ is the main reflection because without it, all other fifteen reflections can-not bind Teerthankar Prakriti while the presence of this reflection can gain the rank of Teerthankar even with one-two or more other reflections.
The great soul, who binds Teerthankar Prakriti, has a deep compassionate feeling towards all the creatures of the world for ending their worldly transmigration.