O God’ You are only endowed with truth, goodness and beauty. That which is not found in the world, is gained in your proximity because you are the Omni-donator, you are free from attachment-aversion.
We were burning in the furnace of attachment-aversion uptil now, but now kindly give us light of knowledge by which we may illuminate ourselves and cause others to be illuminated. The one who has light of truth, does not join others, he gets illuminated within himself, gets immersed within himself.
Spare some moments for yourself. If lost in the crowd then you will lose yourself. That very home looks better where there is intimacy/ affinity.
This body is the worm of grain. We should remain by restraint. Nobody dies of hunger; precisely dies of overeating, limit your hunger. Those who baffle/ entangle themselves in a mess of miracle, they do not get accomplishment of reality. Personality should be worshipped. Regard God as the friend, should go to meet him. not merely to see. We go to meet him.
who is our own.
Devotees are of four types
We should make ourselves devotee like the lump of sugar candy who absorbs his whole life in the devotion of God.
Fame is such a ditch in which all are drowned. The man enduring trouble happily always goes on marching ahead and those who get defeated by troubles, are coward. Every father lives for his son not for himself and who lives for himself, becomes God.