Shri Deshbhushan Digambar Jain Shantigiri Trust Kothli
Kuppanwadi, Teh: Chikkodi, Dist: Belgam, Karnataka 591 287
Phone nos: 08338 295250, 097416 19776
Nearest cities: Chikkodi 8 km. Nippani 15 km.
Situated on the border of Maharashtra and Karnataka, is a small village known as Kothli. It is the birth and Samadhi place of Acharya Deshbhushanji Maharaj.
With inspiration from Acharya ji a huge temple was constructed here. Every year on his birth and samadhi anniversary, functions are held here.
There are 85 idols made of precious and semi precious gems. Apart from this there are two sandalwood and four silver idols that have been kept here.