Sawai Singhai Pt. Gopilal Amar, M.A. Shastri, Acharya, Dharmalankar, Kavyatirtha, Sahityaratna was born at Padwar in Distt. Sagar (Madhya Pradesh ) on Oct. 19, 1935. He received education at Jain Mahavidyalaya, Sagar, where he also taught for 15 years, and at the University of Sagar where for some time he worked for Ph. D. on ‘Jainism in Madhya Pradesh’. He is Research Officer in Bharatiya Jnanpith New Delhi since 1970.
Shri Amar has edited with Hindi translation Prameyaratnamala and Prameyaratnalankar and has published some seventy research papers on Indological topics. He has in hand a project on the canons and symbolism of Jain architecture and iconography.
A dynamic young person with ancient heart and modern mind, Shri Amar is a strenuous reformist, if not a communist.
Address: L-18, Navin Shahdara, Delhi 32, Off. Phone 42994.