The virtuous person never wants harm to anyone. Those who are doing sin, are engaged in sins, and virtuous person tries to cause change in his thought activities, does not destroy them. Evaluation of ability is done on its manifestation.
All semis are possessed of infinite powers, but the experience of that power will occur only when one sees it face to face. Just as when the hidden water in the earth is drawn out, than only its use and usefulness (beneficence) is understood. Who- so-ever manifested his infinite power, that only is worshippabie and excellent in the world and all salute such person.
The feeling of respect must come within us seeing good qualities of others. When nobody accepts dirtiness and makes a wry face in going near it, then why do you accepting that dirtiness (black heartedness), make yourself diity by the Karmic-dusti.
The one who possesses something, from that only is demanded. The Jinendra Lord possesses infinite virtues, while we are owner of ¡ infinite demerits, then we should entreat the God this very right fink for changing our demerits into merits. Sweep, clean your sins of births after births by the devotion of God and by the association with the virtuous.
People do not like to go to the fruitless tree. Those who deny their own words or go back from their word, they first of all make themselves worthy of disbelief by deceiving themselves afterwards become grieved falling into disgrace in the eyes of all. Hence, always ¡ evaluate your capability, ability and necessity before opening your mouth to speak.
Those who make fun of supreme soul (Paramatma) and righteous, virtuous, they make themselves poorest of the poor and a great sinner. If you cannot do good work then don’t put hurdles in the works of those who are doing good w’ork. Do not bind such ’Karmas’ in joking and jesting which may make you grieved in birth afterbirths. Always think of good of others at every instant by your wisdom. Take griefs of all others as your own by distributing affection and sweetness of words.
Change the rotten life -stream of your own and of all by the fragrance of your conduct. The essence of life is not in earning money, eating food,building house, etc, but it is found in associating all and sundry in the flow of savour of love-affection-compassion.
The worldly being takes much pleasure in doing comparison while the comparison gives birth to competition, due to which the family, society and friendship break. If at all, you want to compare, compare your demerits and evils form virtues of virtuous, make yourself virtuous and wise.
Time – invest your time in good deeds so that you may get the Almighty as well as the progress, affinity and the character and knowledge may develop.
Simple living — Make use of your affluence, convenience in averting griefs, poverty of others.
Detfenfy-competence – Keep farsighted view with skillfulness, cleverness, intelligence and prudence in your every deed. Should also acquire knowledge.
Indifference — Don’t snatch others right, enjoy just and honest earnings and keep the inner soul pure, sacred and broad.