Coming of thoughts is but natural. Several times such thought strike within us which we even never thought of. Don’t express your thought till their authenticity is established. Nobody accepts words which are not genuine.
The man in known by the authenticity of his speech. If his speech is unsteady then his life also becomes unsteady/ indistinct and if there is sweetness, affinity in his speech then that man makes even others as his own.
You will have to save yourself from the flame of fire, if you want to get coldness. If there is impulse of passion within you, then however much beneficial matter is told to you that will not be understood by you. If the inner strings are in the broken state then they also reflect outside and the rhythm does not undulate from that.
Bring affection and fluidity within yourself so that the nectar being distributed here may directly enter you. Only that student is able to get success who studies as per instructions of the Guru. He has to believe his own capacity along with study. He cannot get success without having firm belief on his ownself.
You have firm faith in reality, in Guru but you do not have belief in your ownself, i.e. you are not sure that you will be able to march ahead on that road or not, then you can never march ahead towards your goal and will stagger on the very first step.
Until the man does not have confidence in himself, till then he is not able to win the belief of the other. Don’t care to correct the thought-activities of others, see your own thought-activities and wherever the blackness is attached, make effort to clean that.
The Acharya is trying again and again to make us understand. How much kindness is his? He says, “This soul at present is impure but it will not remain impure forever.
Surely rare things are obtained with difficulty but it is not necessary that they will always remain rare, they can also be attained easily.
The path of salvation is a path of experience, is the path which makes us God. It is not the path of ambiguity or uncertainty, it is the path of self-inspiration, self-sensation.
The Acharya himself marchedon that path and when he himself lived that, then only he inspired other ’Bhavya JeevcC (one who is supposed to get salvation) to march on that path. He told. ‘Try to awaken your experience through scriptures”.
Well, the Guru can give you impression/ sacraments but the percep¬tion/ experience will have to be visualised by yourself. If you gradually refine, make yourself sacramented then you will definitely gain that knowledge for which you started perseverance.
Earlier to it, read the biographical tales of great personage; follow their principles in your conduct afterwards persevere for getting that pure self-element, then the bliss and ecstasy will rain within you. Never afraid of taking examination, the authenticity does not come without test. If a student will fear from taking the examination then he cannot march ahead.
Human beings who walk with the support of stick of confidence attain their
goal soon and that confidence and faith is gained by the devotion to God.
The gait of the horse and the words of a woman as well as those of a deceitful
man should not be believed until the work is accomplished.