The purity of food (Pinda) is termed as ‘Pinda-ṡuddhi’. There are eight kinds of defect for scrutinising the purity of foods :
(1) Origination defects (Udgama doṣa) | (2)Receiving-of-food or food -acceptance defects(utpadana dosa) |
(3)Food-acceptablity defects (Eṣaṇa | (4)Combinatory or mixing defect (Sanyojana) |
(5)Over quantity defect (Pramaṇa) | (6)Lust-fire defect (Angara, Ingala) |
(7)Mental Suffocation defect (Dhuma) | (8)Factorial defect (Karaṇa – Not related with foods) |
The purity of foods is determined when these defects are not there. The eight categories of defects are subclassified to yield forty six defects as shown above against each category.
It is stated under carefulness of scrutiny of foods that the saints take foods placed in the hollowed hand-palms by the votaries in the prescribed way once a day in standing posture only and avoiding 46 defects and 32 interruptions (and 14 filth defects also).
This defect is dependent upon the food-donor votary. It involves five kinds of domestic activities (Panca-sūnās – fire-place, flour- grinding, brooming, pestle-mortaring, water-filling from wells) involving violence in which all the six categories of the living beings are offended.
That is why, it is called the great defect. It means that the particularised food-defect is the preparation of food by self through various kinds of domestic violence. This defect is separate from all the above 46 defects and is, therefore, totally renounceable by the saints.
These defects are based on the nature of the foods offered to the saints by the votary. The nature depends upon his intention. Thus, these are the intention-based food defects. There are sixteen kinds of these defects as defined below :
(i)Particularised Food Defect (Auddeṡika):It is defined as to offer foods to the saints prepared by the donor with particularised intentions such as for striver (Ṡramaṇa) saints or heretics.
(ii)Over-addition Defect (Adhyadhi):It involves addition of extra rice-grains etc. in the cooking vessel while cooking when a saints is in sudden sight.
(iii)Mixing Defect (Pūti) :It involves intentional mixing of sterilised (Prāsuka) food with unsterilised (Aprasuka) one or vice-versa. For example, the determination of taking food prepared on new oven or vessel by self after offering it first to the saint.
(iv)Feeding – together Defect (Miṡra doṣa) :It involves offering of even sterilised foods to saints along with heretics or votaries.
(v)Placement Defect (Sthāpita):It involves the offer of foods kept in one’s own house or taken to other houses after taking it out from the cooking vessel.
(vi)Oblationary Defect (Bali doṣa):It involves offer of foods, prepared for oblations to demons, serpents and family deities, to the saints.
(vii)Overtime Defect (Prābhṛta) :It involves offer of foods to the saints beyond the prescribed time for foods by creating loss or gain in time (in clock).
(viii)Manifestation Defect (Prāduṣkāra):It involves cleaning of cooking or feeding vessels by ashes or taking out foods or food-vessels from one place to other place (showing that foods for saints are being prepared).
(ix)Purchase-based Defect (Kṛitatara) :It involves offer of foods to saints on his arrival at the votary ’ s house by going out and purchasing the food items in barter.
(x)Loaning Defect (Ṛṇa or Prāmṛṣya):It involves offer of foods loaned from others, to saints on their arrival in votary’s house.
(xi)Exchange Defect (Parāvarta) :It involves offer of foods prepared from the exchanged materials, to saints.
(xii)Brought – out Defect (Abhighāta) :The foods brought out from three or seven houses in a row are acceptable for the saints. However, if it is brought from houses beyond this prescribed order of houses, it is a defect.
(xiii)Uncovering Defect (Udbhinna):It involves offer of food materials like medicines, ghee, sweetmeats etc. kept in covered or sealed vessels by opening them at the same time when the saints are taking foods.
(xiv)Laddering Defect (Mālārohaṇa):It involves offers of those foods, brought from the other floor of the house by going to it through ladders (or steps), to the saints while they are taking foods.
(xv)Out-of-fear Defect (Acchedya):It involves offer of foods to saints out of fear of kings etc. who threaten in words, “If you do not offer foods to the saints, you will be looted.”
(xvi)Secondary-donor Defect (Aniṡārtha):It involves taking the foods offered by the secondary votary who does not either own them or is not permitted by the primary owner to offer them.
These food defects are caused due to the donor votary but they are applied to the saints who take these foods. Hence, these defects are called origination defects. They originate from the offerer of foods.
There are sixteen receiving-of-food defects also which are being described below :
(i)Nursing Defect (Dhātrī):It is the receiving-of-food through instructions to the donor about the five-fold nursing and guiding the child like a nurse and encourage him to offer the foods.
(ii)Messenger Defect (Dūta) :It is the receiving-of-food through telling someone’s message while wandering towards some village or other place.
(iii)Prognosticisation Defect (Nimitta) :It is the receiving-of-foods after telling the good or bad effects of eight omens like voice and distinguishing marks on the body etc.
(iv)Introduction Defect (Ajī va):It is the receiving-of-food after pleasing the donor by telling the caste, family, profession of the self, austerity and power.
(v)Favourable Words Defect (Vanīpaka):It is the receiving-of-food through favourable speeches for the donor. It may be exemplified by telling, “It is a sacred act to offer foods to saints” on being asked by the food-donor about it, after sensing his mind.
(vi)Medication Defect (Cikitsā) :It is the receiving of foods by pleasing the donor through his medication.
(vii-x) Passion-based Defect (Kaṣāya) :It is the receiving of foods through the four passions of anger, pride, deceit and greed. As there are four passions, there are the four corresponding defects.
(xi)Pre-praising Defect (Pūrva-Sanstuti):It is the receiving the foods by praising the donor, “you are philanthropic and glorious” and so on.
(xii)Post-praising Defect (Paṡcat-stuti):It is to praise the food-donor after receiving the foods from him.
(xiii)Allurement of Learning Defect (Vidyā):It is the receiving of foods by alluring the donor about the teaching of various learnings to him.
(xiv)Allurement of the Learning of Spells (Mantra vidyā):It is the receiving of food by alluring the donor about the teaching of the learnings of spells or incantations.
(xv)Magical Powder Defect (Anjana cūrṇa) :It is the receiving of foods through offering of magical or medical powder like collyrium and cosmetics to the donor.
(xvi)Magic Defect (Mūlakarma):It is the receiving-of-foods through telling the donor the magical device how to subjugate an uncontrollable issue or get the separated persons together.
These defects are related with the saints who receive the foods through the donors. Hence, they are called receiving-of-food defects (Utpādana).
There are ten food-acceptability defects based on the food-servers.
(i)Doubted (Sankita):It is the receiving of foods with a doubt whether the four-fold food has been prepared devoid of particularisation defect. Is it acceptable ?
(ii)Smeared (Mrakṣita):It is the receiving of food by the hands of the offerer smeared with ghee or oil etc. or by the long-handed spoon smeared with the same.
(iii)Kept (Nikṣipta) :It is to receive the foods kept on non-sterilised animate earth / ground, water, plant leaves etc.
(iv) Covered (Pihita):It is to receive the foods offered by the donor after uncovering the food from the cover of unsterilised, sterilised or heavy material.
(v)Mal-behaviour (Samvyavaharṇa):It is to receive the foods from the offerer who offers it out of fear or respect by pulling the clothes or dragging food-vessels while offering.
(vi)Wrong Donor (Dāyaka) :It is to receive foods offered by unclean donors like drinker, diseased, defiled by death or birth, breast-feeding women or hermaphrodite etc.
(vii)Mixed food (Unmiṡra) :It is to receive the foods mixed with unsterilised food material involving water, plants and seeds etc.
(viii)Raw or Unsterilised food (A-pariṇata):It is to receive the foods not cooked well on fire or water etc. not treated with cloves etc. for sterilisation.
(ix)Besmeared (Lipta):It is to receive the foods by hand or vessel besmeared with red ochre etc. or to receive it from wettened hands or vessels with unsterilised water.
(x)Dropped (Chotita) :It is to receive the foods by dropping more milk etc. through hand while it is being offered by the donor along with the dropping of undesirable material.
These are the ten defects of foods which are concerned with the foods offered in the hand bowls, and hence, called food defects. All these three types of defects make-up 42 defects.
43.Combinatory Defect (Sanyojanā doṣa):This is the defect of offering food related with mixing or combining hot water with cold foods or cold water with hot foods etc. or mixing hot things with cold ones.
44.Over- quantity Defect (Pramāṇa) :In general, one should fill up two parts of stomach with solid food and one part with potable drinks. One should keep one part empty. It is only under this condition that one can undertake the activities of self-study and austerity etc. without any difficulty. The food-quantity defect is defined as to violate this general rule and over-eat beyond the above quantities.
45.Lust-fire Defect (Angara Doṣa):It is the defect of eating with wantonness.
46.Mental Suffocation Defect (Dhūma Doṣa) :It is the defect of eating undesirable foods with mental condemnation while taking them. Thus, the above 46 defects are called the defects of purity of foods. The saints should take foods devoid of these defects.
Besides the above factors for taking and abandoning the foods, there are thirty two interruptions also when foods are to be abandoned. These have to be observed for avoiding public censure, protection of restraint and detachmental propensity and for fear also.
(1)Crow-dunging (Kaka):It is the interruptions in food due to the dunging by the birds like crow, duck and hawk etc. while moving for taking food or having already stood for food intake.
(2)Smearing with Impurities (Amedhya) :It is the interruptions in food due to the smearing of body parts like feet etc. with the dungs and excreta etc.
(3)Vomiting (Chadi):It is the interruption in food due to the vomiting in the process of food intake or while standing for it.
(4)Stopping (Rodhana) :It is the interruption in food due to somebody stopping or catching the saint saying, ‘you can not go for meals.’
(5)Blood (Rudhira):It is the interruption in food due to the sight of blood or pus etc. flowing within four Angulas from oneself or others while taking foods.
(6)Tears (Aṡrupāta):It is the interruption of food due to tears of self or others caused by varied types of pains or sorrow.
(7)Touching-below-knee (Jānu-adhah-parāmarṡa):This is the interruption in food caused due to the touch or contact of hand in the part of the body below the knee.
(8)Touching-above-knee (Jānu-upari-vyatikrama):This is the interruption of food caused due to the touching or contact of the hands etc. in the part of body above the knee.
(9)Going out with Head Below Navel (Nābhi-adho-nirgamana):This is the interruption of food caused due to going out to the place of food where one has to go by bending one’s head below the navel.
(10)Taking the Renounced food (Pratyākhyāta Sevanā):This is the interruption of food caused due to taking the renounced food article during the food intake.
(11)Sight of Killing of Creatures (Jantuvadha) :This is the interruption of food caused due to seeing the killing of rats etc. by the cats etc. before him.
(12)Food-seizing by Crows etc. (Kākādi-pinda-haraṇa):This is the interruption of food due to the seizing of foods by birds like crow etc. from the hands of the saint.
(13)Fall of Food from the Hand (Grāsa patana):This is the interruption of food due to the falling of the food from the hands of the saints while taking their food.
(14)Auto-dying of Creatures in Hand (Paṇi-jantu-badha):This is the interruption of food due to falling and dying of any creature like ants etc. in hand-bowl of the saint while taking food.
(15)Sight of Flesh etc. (Mānsādi – darṣana):This is the interruption of food caused due to the sight of flesh, alcohal and dead body of five-sensed ones.
(16)Crossing by the Five-sensed Beings betwen Feet (Pādāntara – Prāṇi – nirgamana): This is the interruption of food caused due to crossing of any five-sensed living being like rat etc. between the two feet while taking the food.
(17)Supra-human Infliction (Devādi upasarga):This is the interruption of food caused due to any infliction by the deities and subhuman beings etc.
(18)Fall of Food Vessel (Bhājana Sampāta) :This is the interruption of food caused by the fall of the food vessel from the hands of the offerer of foods.
(19)Excretion (Uccāra):This is the interruption of food caused due to coming out of excretions from the stomach while taking foods.
(20)Discharges (Prasravaṇa):This is the interruption of food caused due to the urinal discharges etc during the food intake.
(21)Entry into the House of Defiled People (Abhojya-graha-praveṡa):This is the interruption of food due to entry into the houses of the defiled people like candalas etc. while going for food- taking or to go to the houses of votaries defiled due to birth and death for food intake.
(22)Falling (Patana):This is the interruption of food on account of falling down due to tiresomeness, fainting or confusion etc.
(23)Sitting (Upveṡana) :This is the interruption of food on account of sitting down while taking foods (due to weakness or illness).
(24)Biting (Sadanṡa) :It means biting by dog or cat etc. during the process of food- intake. This causes interruption of food.
(25)Touch of Ground:It is the interruption of food due to touch of ground by hand after the offering of devotional hymn to the liberated ones (Siddhabhakti). (26)Spitting (Niṣthivana):Coughing or spitting on the ground by the saint is also an interruption.
(27)Picking up by Hand (Kareṇakincitgrahaṇa):Picking something from the ground by the saint while taking foods is also an interruption in food.
(28)Coming out of Worms from Stomach (Udarakriminirgamana):It means coming out of small or big worms from the stomach. This leads to interruptions in food.
(29)Taking not-given (Adattagrahaṇa):Acceptance of any thing not-given is also a factor for interruption in food.
(30)Hitting (Prahāra):Hitting by anybody on self or others also causes interruption in food.
(31)Village Burning (Grāmadāha):It is an interruption of food intake if the village bums with fire.
(32)Picking up by Feet (Pādena-Kincit-grahaṇa) :Picking up something from the ground by feet while taking foods causes interruption in food-intake. Besides these 32 interruptions, there may be many others like
(1) touching of Candālās etc | (2) quarrelling |
(3) death of the desired | (4) Giving up of the process of holy death by a community member |
(5) Death of the chief etc |
They should also be taken care of and foods should be abandoned due to them.
Besides these interruptions, the scriptures have admitted fourteen filth defects. They are:
(1)nails | (2) soft hairs |
(3) dead body of creatures of deficient senses | (4) bones |
(5) outer skin of grains like yava, wheat etc | (6) fine particles in rice-grains of Ṡāli etc |
(7) pus | (8) blood |
(9) leather or hides | (10) meat |
(11) seeds | (12) fmits |
(13) roots | (14) tubers |
Some of them are high filths while others are low filths.
The high filths are blood, flesh, bones, pus and leather. If one finds any of these things in the foods, one should abandon the foods and undertake some penitence. If one has a sight of bodies of deficient – sensed beings or hairs in the food, it should be abandoned.
If one finds nails in the food, one should abandon it and undertake small penitence. One can take the foods by removing the sprouts, small particles of grains, fine inner particles, seed, fmits, roots and tubers if they are found in the foods. These defects have been elaborated in Mūlācāra verse 484.
(1)Alleviation of pains of hunger | (2)Undertaking selfless service of self and others |
(3)Observance of daily essential duties unhindered | (4)Observance of thirteen types of restraint |
(5)Anxiety for vitalities |
It is impossible to protect vitalities without food and there can be no accomplishment of Ratnatraya without the vitalities of life-span. Hence, food has to be taken for protection and maintenance of vitalities.
(6)Anxiousness for religion: How can one observe ten-fold religiosity ? The saints think in this way and take foods due to the above six causes.
(1)Accidental illness or pain | (2)Inflictions of calamities |
(3)Protection of celibacy | (4)Compassion for the living beings |
(5)Undertaking of austerities | (6)Undertaking of initiation to sainthood or holy death |
In fact, the saints do not take foods for improvement in strength or life span. They also do not take food for taste or body-building or splendour. They take foods for self-study, observation of restraint and undertaking meditation.
They take the foods offered to them by the votaries which are nine-foldly pure and offer it with nine-fold reverence. The foods should be taken only for acquiring knowledge, observance of restraint and meditation and not for any other purpose. The intake of food in violation of these factors is the factoral food defect. This is not counted as a food-defect. Hence only 46 defects are mentioned.