Method :- Having dressed in white, and seated on a white base, facing towards the east, one lac chants be completed with adoration of the rddhi and mantra syllablles 108 times everyday in pure phases.
Power:-The mystic diagram (Yantra) is first written with saffron on the leaf of the birch tree, incensed with perfumed olibanum, when it is kept near, disturbances are destroyed, fortune is attained and wealth is gained. This mantra is very effective.
Method:-Having dressed in black, with black rosary while sitting on a black base facing the east, in dandasana, the rddhi and the mantra syllables are chanted at the rate of 108 times everyday for 21 or 30 days or else at the rate of 1000 times a day for 7 days.
Power:- Keeping the yantra nearby while remembering the rddhi and mantra the enemy and the headache are destroyed. The bound illusive eyesight is removed. Meals should be taken once a day and salt is used as a burnt offering.
Method:-The rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted with a rosary of the seeds of lotus, 108 times a day for 7 days. Olibanum is used for offering in ten constituents and blooming roses are also offered.
Power:- A handful of water is made mystic through the mantra and sprinkled on the face for 21 days resulting in the happiness of the people. On keeping the yantra nearby and remembering the verse and the rddhi-mantra syllables the enemy is unable to see and the eye-sight is improved.
Method:- After bath, clothed in clean white, the yantra is established and worshipped. Then the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day for 7 days with a rosary of quartz crystals, while offering 108 white flowers every day, on meals once a day and while sleeping on the earth.
Power:- Keeping the yantra near, taking 21 pebbles, every pebble made mystic through 7 chants of the rddhi and mantra is thrown in water of a tank/river keeps the fish etc. safe from nets. The adorer does not drown in water and is safe from strong currents.
Method:- Having bathed and clothed in yellow,- establishing the yantra, one should worship then having sat on yellow seat he should chant the rddhi and mantra syllables 1000 times a day for 7 days with yellow flowers and pure phases incensing with oblibanum every time.
Power:- Keeping the yantra near and pouring the water made mystic by chants of the rddhi and mantra syllables into the well makes it red germless. One who has eye disease and pain is kept hungry for the full day. He is relieved from the dreadful pain when sugar-cakes made mystic with 21 times chants of the rddhi and mantra syllables are dissloved in water and given for drinking and sprinkling on eyes.
Method:- Having bathed and dressed in red, the yantra is placed and worshipped, and seated on red seat the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day for 21 days. Every time the oblibanum is offered. One time meals a day and sleeping on the earth is followed.
Power:- Remembering the sixth verse and the rddhi-mantra syllables every day and keeping the yantra near increases the memory, capacity to learn very soon. The person seperated also reunites.
Method:- Having bathed and clothed in green, seated on the green base. The 7th verse, rddhi and mantra syllables be chanted 108 times a day for 21 days with a green rosary and oblibanum of benzoin is offered every time.
Power:- On the leaf of birch tree the written yantra is kept near to remove the snake-poison and other poisons. They are made ineffective. If a pebble made mystic through the rddhi and mantra syllables in 108 chants is thrown on the head of a snake it is paralysed.
Method:- With the rosary of seeds of neem tree, chants of the rddhi and mantra syllables 1000 times a day for 29 days offering incense of bdellium mixed with ghee (butter). Burnt offerings with salt are necessary.
Power:- All types of troubles are removed if the yantra in kept near and the rddhi-mantra syllables are adored. Pieces of salt are made mystic through syllables chants 108 times and used for removing pains.
Method:- The verse, the rddhi and mantra syllables are to be chanted 108 times a day.
Power:- Remembering the verse rddhi and mantra syllables and keeping the yantra near makes free from fear of thieves, decoits in the way. There can be no theft. The road becomes paralysed if 4 pebbles are made mystic through 108 chants.
Method:- Having clothed in yellow dres% chants of the verse, rddhi, mantra syllables are performed 108 times a day with yellow rosary and offerings of oblibanum is made.
Power:-The poison of dog is destroyed by keeping the yantra near. Seven pieces of salt are made mystic through 108 chants and eaten for mjaking the poison of a dog ineffective.
Method:- Having bathed and clothed in white worship be done in a temple with pure phases. Then the 11th verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 108 times a day for 21 days with a white orared rosary in isolation with joy. Offering of oblibanum of onlibanum is made.
Power:- On keeping the yantra near the desired person comes back or near. There is rainfall if a handful of mustard seeds are made mystic through 12000 chants.
Method:- Having bathed and clothed in red the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted with a red rosary 1000 times a day for 42 days. The oblibanum with ten constituents is offered.
Power:- Remembering the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables and keeping the yantra near, the elephant can be controlled for its intoxication and ecstacy by giving him the mystic made oil through 108 chants. Frequent remembrance causes the wife to return from her father’s home.
Method:- After purification anf having clothed in yellow with a yellow rosary, the rddhi and mantra syllables are to be chanted 1000 times a day for 7 days. The oblibanum of olibanum is offered to the fire of the altar. One meal in the day and sleep on the floor (is more appropriate) is followed.
Power:- Memorizing the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables, and keeping the yantra near, 7 gravels are made mystic through 108 chants and thrown in four directions. This prevents theft and fear in the way.
Method:- After having purified and clothed in white, with a rosary of quartz crystals the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted, with candle and offering of oblibanum is performed. The burnt offerings of guggulu (bdelium), kasturi (musk), kesara (saffron), kapura (camphor) silarasa (liquid storax), ratanjali (red-sandal wood), (eagle-wood), tagara agara (Indian Valerian Rhizome), dhupa (long leaved pine),, ghee etc. are given, everyday.
Power:- Keeping the yantra near and making 7 pebbles mystic, each through 21 chants removes all troubles and distresses, and the fear from enemy is destroyed. Wealth is attained and intellect is developed. Sarasvatl deity is pleased.
Method:- After bath, clothed in red, seated on red base, the 15th verse the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted every day for 14 days with a red rosary, offering the oblibanum, and one meal in a day.
Power:-Oil is made mystic through 21 chants. The royal court is impressed and honour is attained, wealth is gained. Remembering this verse rddhi and mantra and keeping the yantra on the arm makes a man chaste without loss of semen virile and night emissions.
Method:-After bath, the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day for 9 days with a green rosary and offerings of olibanum (kundaru), cast into fire of altar .’After bath, the 16th verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted with a green rosary, 1000 times a day for 9 days. The pine of olibanum (kundaru) be cast in the altar.
Power:-The rivals in the royal court are subdued on keeing the yantra nearby and remembrance of rddhi mantra syllables with pure phases and no fear is left about an enemy. Fire is extinguished if mystical water is sprinkled after chants.
Method:-The verse, the rddhi and the mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day for 7 days with a white rosary in pure phases. The pine of sandal wood is to be cast into fire of altar.
Power:-The diseases of gastro-intestinal tract are cured even if incurable when the yantra is tied and pure untouched water is made mystic through the chants 21 times and served.
Method:-After purification, the verse, the rddhi and the mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day for 7 days with a red rosary. The pine oblibanum with ten constituents is cast into the fire of the altar. One meal a day is to be taken pure.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and remembering the rddhi and mantra syllables 108 times the army is paralyzed. The adorer does not fall prey to choices, worries, anger, ill thoughts, attachment and illusive vision (mithyatva). He is able to meditate naturally.
Method:-After taking bath in the morning one should put on clean dress and with concentrated mind chant the 19th verse, rddhi and mantra syllables 108 times.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near, the adorer is not effected by any one else’s power of learning/ spell and charm (totaka) or magic, sorcery witchcraft nor is left with any .fear from uprooting (uccatana). He is able to earn well if unfortunate, and if he chants it ever he gets all types of happiness and comforts.
Method:-After purification in the morning and clothing in white the yantra is established for worship and worshipped. Then facing east the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted for 108 times after having chanted the Namokara mantra 9 times. Every day as many as 108 flowers are offered having pleasing fragrance.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and having chanted the rddhi-mantra syllables 108 times renders fertility, fortune and wealth and victory as well as development of intellect.
Method:-After purification and having clothed in red the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 108 times a day for 42 days with red rosary and 108 flowers be offered.
Power:-The people in general and the own persons as well as members of family are made under control and overpowered.
Method:-The yantra is worshipped after having bathed and clothed in clean dress, placed the pitcher, candle kindled. Then facing to the east the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 108 times a day.
Power:-The yantra is garlanded in the neck. The piece (knot) of turmeric (haladl) is made mystic through 21 chants of rddhi and mantra syllables and chewed. This removes all the tribulation and interruptions made by female robber (dakini), female demon (sakini), ghost (bhuta), devil (pisacha), female giant (chudela), etc.
Method:-After purification at an auspicious occasion, being clothed in white, facing to the north keeping the yantra there, auspicious pitcher may be placed and a candle kindled. The yantra is worshipped and then the rddhi and mantra syllables are adored 4000 times with a white rosary for evincing the mantra.
Power:-For the safety of the body first the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables be remembered 108 times. Then the yantra be tied to the person hindered by evil spirits and repeat spells to remove the interruption by the evil spirits.
Method:-After purification, one should be clothed in the dye of ruddle (geru). The yantra be established and worshipped with kindled lamp and moving flame (arati). Then the rddhi and mantra syllables be chanted 108 times a day in the beginning and then adored 1000 times a day for 7 days.
Power:-The ash may be made mystic through 21 chants and applied to forehead, and the yantra be placed near. This relieves half headache solar-humour (suuryavata) and vertigo including all troubles of head.
Method:-After having bathed and clothed in red, the yantra is established and worshipped through a moving flame as well. Then at night in isolation with fearlessness the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 4000 times for proving the mantra.
Power:-Remembering the verse, the rddhi and mantra syllables and keeping the yantra near, saves from being prey to evil eye, sight faults and effects of fire. The weapon in the hands of the enemy falls down and he can not attack.
Method:-After bath and putting on red dress, keeping face to the north, the yantra is established and worshipped with a moving flame. Then the rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times from the midnight to the afternoon for evincing the mantra.
Power:-The yantra is kept near and the oil made mystic through 108 chants to remove the half headache. The mystical oil and water removes the pains of lady giving birth to a baby. It also saves from fatal diseases.
Method:-After purification, black dress be put on and the yantra be established after writing it in red sandalwood. Then the verse, rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 108 times a day for 21 days with a black rosary and offerings of 108 flowers. Food without salt be taken once a day. Burnt offerings are cast with oblibanum of black pepper.
Power:-The enemy is unable to hinder and is subdued if the yantra is kept near and the chants are remembered frequently.
Method:-After bath one should be dressed in yellow and establish the yantra in the north or east and worship it. Then being seated on the yellow base the rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times a day with a yellow rosary finishing 12000 chants, with yellow flowers.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and adoring the verse rddhi and mantra syllables every day there is profit in business, prosperity, fame, victory, respect and glory in the royal court.
Method:-After taking bath sky coloured dress is put on and the yantra is established facing north and it is worshipped with moving flame and offering of Malati (moonlight) fragrant flowers. The chants of rddhi-mantra syllables are performed 1000 times a day till the mantra is evinced.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and chanting of the rddhi, mantra syllables and the verse 108 times for enchanting water which’is used to remove the effects of drugs like cannabis, hemp and belladona etc. it removes the pain of eyes and the poison of scorpion.
Method:-After bath and dressed in white, the yantra being established facing east, it is worshipped with white flowers and moving flame. Then having seat on white base, the rddhi mantra (spell) syllables are chanted 1000 times everyday with a rosary of quartz crystals for proving the spell.
Power:-The enemy is paralyzed if the yantra is placed near and the chants are remembered again and again. All fears are removed and there is no fear from thieves, wild animals like the lion etc. in wilderness of the forest.
Method:- After bath and dressed in blood-red, one should establish the yantra and worship it placing waterful pitchers. Then taking a red seat facing north in lotus posture one should chant rddhi and mantra syllables everyday completing in all 7500 chants.
Power:-If 108 chants of the rddhi, mantra syllables and the verse are performed every day, keeping the yantra near, honour is attained in the royal court, the king attains fame and all skin diseases are cured.
Method:-After purification, clothed in yellow, the yantra is established keeping an auspicious pitcher by the side. After its worship sitting in lotus posture facing to the east rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times with a yellow rosary.
Power:-Taking a weak string it is made mystical through 21 or 108 times chants. When it is tied to the neck of a virgin and the yantra is kept near, all types of pains of abdomen and diarrhoea are cured.
Method:-After purifying and clothing in white, the yantra is kept facing east and worshipped. Then occupying a white seat facing towards north the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times with a white rosary casting oblibanum of bdelium mixed with ghee.
Power:-A knotted weak string is made mystical through 21 chants of verse and rddhi mantra syllables and tied to the neck of the virgin. On repeating spell and keeping the yantra near various types of malaria and other fevers are cured.
Method:-After being purified and dressed in white, the yantra is established facing to the north, with an auspicious pitcher, and worshipped. Then having seated on a white base the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times in lotus posture with a rosary of quartz crystals.
Power:-The string is coloured in saffron colour and made mystical through 108 chants of the verse, rddhi. and mantra syllables. It is given smoke of burnt bdelium, and tied to the neck or waist. When the yantra is also near paralyzed abortion, there is no premature abortion.
Method:-After being purified and clothed in yellow the yantra is established facing to the north and worshipped with yellow flowers and kindled candle. Then the rddhi and mantra. syllables are chanted 108 times a day with a yellow rosary till 4000 chants are over.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and the adoration of the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables removes and keeps safe from epidemics, hysteria, theft, famine, fear from state etc. There is gain in trade and respect in kingdom. The words are regarded authentic.
Method:-After bath, dressed in yellow, the yantra is established facing north and worshipped with yellow flowers and then candle is kindled. Then the mantra is proved through 12000 chants with a yellow rosary in lotus posture.
Power:-On keeping the yantra hear and chanting the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables 108 times a day, wealth is gained in the trade of gold and other metals, honour is attained in the state and the talk is regarded authentic among the five mediators.
Method:-After bath, white dress is put on and the yantra is established facing north and .is worshipped. Then sitting on a white seat, 1008 balls are prepared from bdelium, camphor, saffron and musk, and the rddhi mantra syllables are chanted, each time dropping a ball in the fire of the altar.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and making water mystical through 21 chants of the verse, rddhi* and mantra syllables, the water is sprinkled on the face. This paralyzes the cruel person and he is subdued to be speechless. There is increase in fame and reputation.
Method:- After purification and putting on yellow dress, the yantra is established facing north and worshipped and adored. Then seated on a yellow base the rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 1008 times with a yellow rosary for proving the mantra.
Power:-On adoring the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables frequently, and keeping the yantra near, the intoxicated elephant is subdued and there is a gain of wealth.
Method:-After being purified and dressed in yellow the yantra is established facing east and worshipped. Then being seated, on a yellow base facing north, the rddhi mantra syllables are chanted 1000 times with a yellow rosary, pure mind and phases. After each chant the oblibanum of bdelium, saffron, camphor and ghee is cast into fire of the altar.
Power:-On keeping the yantra near and chanting the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables, there remains no fear from snake, lion, tiger, etc. who. are violent, cruel and wild animals, The forgotten way is found easily.
Method:-After purification, and dressed in red, keeping the auspicious pitcher facing east and the yantra facing north it is worshipped. Then occupying red seat and facing east the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times with a red rosary.
Power:-The yantra is kept near and the 21 chants of the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables are performed to make water mystical which when sprinkled wards of fear from fire.
Method:-After bath, white dress is put on and the yantra is eatablished facing east and worshipped, the candle kindled and with moving flame adoration is performed. Afterwards, occupying the white seat, facing north, the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times with a rosary of quartz -crystals for evincing the mantra.
Power:-Keeping the yantra near and remembering the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables frequently, reputation in the royal court is attained and celebrity is increased. Its repeated spells removes the poison of snake. When water in a bronze vessel is made mystical through chants the effect of poison is cured.
Method:-After purification, dressed in white, the yantra written in red sandalwood is established facing east, and worshipped alongwith kindling of lamp and moving flame. Then being seated on red seat, facing north, the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12500 times with a rosary in red.
Power:-The yantra is tied to the arm and the rddhi, mantra syllables are frequently remembered. This does not produce any fear from a fierce war. The angry king becomes peaceful and subjugated to vanish away. Fame spreads all around like the moon-light.
Method:-After bathing and being clothed in clean white, the yantra is established facing east and worshipped. Then occupying white seat and facing the north, the rddhi and mantra syllables are adored 12500 times, with a white rosary.
Power:-On remembering the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables, worshipping the yantra and keeping it near, all types of fear are removed. One is not hurt from weapons cast from proximity and distance and wealth gain is attained from the king.
Method:-After bath, clothed in clean white, the yantra is established facing north, worshipped with auspicious pitcher, kindled candle, and moving flame. Afterwards while seated on the white base, the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1008 times with a rosary of quartz crystals.
Power:-doration of the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables and keeping the yantra nearby all the trifles and tribulations are won over, </font color>there is no fear of storm in the sea and the sea is crossed easily.
Method:-After purification, one gets clothed in yellow, and the yantra is worshipped established in the south. Then occupying a yellow seat the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 1008 times with a yellow rosary for proof.
Power:-Keeping the yantra nearby and chanting the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables all the time, pacifies many diseases and most dreadful diseases like dropsy, fear from death, fistula, oozing leprosy and other obstacles are won over.
Method:-After bath, yellow dress is put on and the yantra is worshipped with yellow flowers keeping it facing the east. The auspicious pitcher is placed, candle is kindled and moving flame with one. Then seated on the yellow seat facing north the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 12000 times with a yellow rosary for evincing the mantra.
Power:-At the time of emergent dangers, and when bound in iron chains, one becomes free if the yantra is kept near, and the rddhi, mantra syllables and the verse are chanted while worshipping the yantra all the time.
Method:-After bath, pure dress is worn, establishing the yantra facing north, it is worshipped and revered. Then sitting on a white seat facing east, the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 9000 times with a white rosary.
Power:-Having worshipped the yantra kept nearby duely annointed and on chanting the verse, rddhi and mantra syllables give victory over the enemy keeping safe from weapons. It also saves from intoxicated elephant, lion, forest fire, snakes, sea, great diseases, and relieves from captivity etc. keeping free.
Method:-After bath, one gets clothed in yellow and the yantra is established facing north. It is worshipped with yellow flowers. Then seated on the yellow base, facing east, the rddhi and mantra syllables are chanted 4500 times or 100000 times with a yellow rosary completing the adoration in 7 months.
Power:-The verse, the rddhi and the mantra syllables are chanted 108 times a day for 21 days or for 49 days through memory and the yantra is placed near for attainment of any desire. When any person is to be subdued, his name is to be thought while chanting.