Jain Dharma as an Ancient Religion. Many western scholars and others have written books and published articles in newspaper and magazines expressing the view that the Jain Dharma is a branch or development of some other religion; but now scholars and thinkers are free from this false notion, yet the history text books used in schools and colleges continue to encourage that false notion, but it is definitely not acceptable and has to be discarded. The truth has to be stated.
Evidence in support of the theory that Jain Dharma is an ancient religion The Jain Dharma existed even before emergence of the Vedas and the Puranas which are said to be ancient. This point is proved by what Is said in the following stanza.
कैलासे पर्वते रम्ये, वृषभोऽयं जिनेश्वर:।
चकार स्वावतारं य: सर्वज्ञ: सर्वग: शिव:।।१।।
Lord Risabhadev Jineshwar the omniscient and the all pervasive incarnate himself on the magnificent Kailas (Ashtapad Mountain).
नाभिस्तु जनयेत् पुत्रं, मरुदेव्या मनोहरम्।
ऋषभं क्षत्रियं श्रेष्ठं सर्वक्षत्रियस्य पूर्वजम्।।२।।
इह हि इक्ष्वाकुकुलवंशोभ्दवेन नाभिसुतेन मरुदेवा-
नंदनमहादेवेन ऋषेण दशमप्रकारो धर्म:
स्वयमेवाधीर्ण: केवलज्ञान लाभाच्चा प्रवर्तित:।।३।।
Nabhiraja and Marudevi gave birth to a son named Rishabhdev, the greatest of Kshatriyas and the first ancestor of all kshatriyas. Mahadev Rishabhdev was born to Nabhiraja and Marudevi, in the Ikshvaku dynasty; assumed the ten kinds of Dharma; and after attaining Kevaljnan (the supreme knowledge) disseminated it.
रैवताद्रौ जिनो नेमिर्युगादिर्विमलाचले।
ऋषीणामाश्रमादेव, मुक्तिमार्गस्थकारणम्।।४।।
Lord Neminath abides on Raivatadri (Girnar) and Lord Adinath abides on Vimalachal (Shatrunjay/sidhagiri). ‘These mountains enable people to pursue the path of Moksha since the ashrams of great Rishis (Sages)were located there.
स्पृष्ट्वा शत्रुञ्जयं तीर्थे, नत्वा रैवतकाचलं।
स्नात्वा गजपदे कुण्डे, पुनर्जन्म न विद्यते।।५।।
परमात्मानमात्मानं लसत्केवलनिर्मलं।
निरञ्जनं निराकारं ऋषभं तु महाऋषिम्।।६।।
(स्कन्ध पुराण)
Man will not have punarjanama (he will be free from the cycle of birth and death) If he touches Shatrunjay Tirth ; if he bows to Girnar and if he bathes in Gojapadkund. All mediate upon Maharshi (sage) Rishabhdev who has an ideal form ; who inspires enthusiasm in men; who is a pure soul having attained Kevaljnan (super knowledge); who is spotless formless.
अष्टषष्टिसु तीर्थेषु, यात्रायां यत् फलं भवेत्।
आदिनाथस्य देवस्य, स्मरणेनापि तद् भवेत्।।७।।
The fruit that can be attained by visiting the sixty eight holy places can be attained by meditating on Lord Adinath. (Lord Adinath is the other name of Rishabndev).
अकारादि हकारान्त, मूर्द्धधिरेफसंयुतम्।
नादविन्दुकलाकान्त, चन्द्रमण्डलसन्निभम्।।८।।
एतद् देवि! हरं तत्त्वं, यो विजानाति तत्त्वत:।
संसारबन्धनं छित्त्वा, स गच्छेत् परमां गतिम्।।९।।
The word, Arhan begins with (a) and end with (ha). Above and below it has the crescent moon/shaped curves with Nadbindus (drops or dots of sound). 0h Goddess! This word signifies the supreme truth. Those who realize this truth cur off the bondage of the samsar and attain Moksha (Salvation).