“I tell my countrymen the principles of the Jain Dharma and the Jain Archaryas are sub line ; and that the ideas of the Jain Dharma are lofty. The Jain literature is superior to the Buddhist literature. As I continue to study the Jain Dharma and its literature, my fascination for them keeps increasing.”
Dr.Johannes Hurtell (Germany)
“The Jain Dharma is an entirely independent religion in all respects. It has not borrowed ideas from other religions; nor is it an imitation of other religions.”
Dr. Herman Jacobi
“The history of a/ Dharma and its touching are greatly beneficial to human being in their endeavor to attain spiritual development and progress. This Dharma is true, independent ,simple ,straightforward ,very valuable and entirely different from brahminsm or the vedic religion .It is not an atheistic religion like Buddhism.”
– Dr. A Girnot (Paris)
“The Jain Dharma is absolutely different and independent from the Hindu Dharma.”
-Max Muller
“It is probably impossible to find out when the Jain Dharma arose and when it was established; and since when it has been in existence. It is the most ancient of the religons of Hindustan.”
-G.J.R. Furlough