Tilak (annointation) is a sign of civilization of the Indian culture. Just by seeing it, a person is regarded as religious. In the practical world too, tilak is seen as an auspicious. It has its own significance in festicals like Rakshabandhan, Dipawali, or arrival of a guest, departure for battlefield or a long journey.
Tilak is put on the forehead. It is a symbol to remind us to face our calamities, misfortures coolmindedly. Right in the centre of one’s forehead, there are some nerves in the commond zone which, on being pressed, always produce some change in the mind. That is why, Tilak is put mainly on the forehead. In the process of worship, tilak is applied at nine (nava) spots.
In making the tilak (paste), sandal and saffron, alongwith rubbged camphor are used. No sooner is the tilak placed on the forehead than its function or role starts changing. Attention starts getting focussed. Females should wear a sandal-saffron tilak in the bindi (dot) form and males in a longish spine-like shape.
According to tankard (mystic) science, high class and educated people like kings. Ministers, judges etc. Are impressed by a tilak wearing person and they quite often do things as desired by him. Therefore, tilak should be worn everyday.
Modern people feel shy at wearing tilak, or ridicule or make fun of the one who puts it, `Here comes the TILAKDHARI ! PANDIT ! Janeodhani ! etc. `They comment. Hence you can imahine, when in the life of such people, religious symbols are ignored, derided, can they ever truly observe this holy religion ?
If somebody wearing a tilak, or janeo (sacred thread) commits a wrong, the tilak or the janeo cannot be held guilty for that. If someone with a lamp happens to fall into a well, whose fault would that be ? The lamp’s ? Emphatically not.
Therefore if a person feels shy of putting a tilak himself, at least he should not redicule the one who is wearing it. Rather, he should rid himself of the inhibiting and start wearing the tilak himself and feel proud of his religious traditions.
Some people avoid tilak and janeo because they do not see any good in them. Religion is not just for show. The inner (mind) must be clean and pure. I wish to ask you, when you are so shy of wearing the religious signs, how can your heart be kept pure ? One who would feel ashamed or hesitates in putting on the khaki uniform of police or dark green of army or black coat of a lawyer, how can he be able to protect the nation, country, state, law etc. Think it over by yourself.