Man’s humanism is his best introduction. best definition and the best religion. Defining a religion will bring us within the sectarian limit. Better if we broaden the definition of ‘religion’ to the extent that the whole of the society, country, world and the universe are encircled by it.
A study of any of the world religion will reveal no inspiration for theft, violence, lying, insult and so on; then why should we be narrow-minded? Why should we not turn the whole environment around us into religion? The only way to it is pious performance. Piety, service to humanity, serving the purpose of human being as a human being, is the true religion.
There is, somewhere a mistake when the society honours someone just because he is a successful scientist, scholar, litterateur, writer, poet, novelist, painter, doctor, lawyer, professor or philanthropist. Has any society so for honoured someone just because he is human being?
Such an example will not be found because the human being today is not introduced to human being. nor would like to be intoduced. He does not evaluatehuman being as a human being unless he has a merit or the other.
Merit is always achieved by good deeds. It is a heavenly thing. But the heavenly merit is achieved only when the meritorious deeds of previous births are ripened enough to fruit. by which only, the deeds in the present birth are performed. More performance of good deeds enrich the treasures of our merits, while a lesser number of meritorious deeds results into a decrease of that treasure.
Do those, honoured by the society as great man’, possess the merits which are possessed by common man’, such as honesty, truthfulness, compassion, affection, courtesy, justice, charity, forbearance? We have perhaps not found time to think over this fact. Evaluation of human being! That also beyond the limits of humanity? The Gita presents a beautiful definition of humanity, as follows:
‘Fearlessness, spiritual purity, concentration in maditative knowledge, donation, restraint, sacrifice, self-study, penances, straightforwardness. non-violence, truthfulness, forbearance, charity, peace. no-backbiting, compassion for the living beings. non-greediness. simplicity, modesty, stability. brilliance, forgiveness, patience, purity. non-aggressiveness and pridelessness. 63
Humanity means a devotion to the element of turth:
“The material and the spiritual are one and the same. Make no difference between the two. Know the material and spiritual when the whole world will look harmonious. 84
When we shall know the difference between those with right vision and those with wrong vision. when shall look at all the human beings in the world with the same eye irrespective of religion, caste, colour. creed, sex, age and sect. then a harmony will Be generated within us, a view of equanimity will grow within us, and this will be an achievement of an humanity. Then we shall be raised above humanity to godliness.
Human being is the creation of four elements:
The sensory and material element.
The element of intellect.
The element of mind.
The soul element.
The believers in these four elements have various opinions. They are influenced by the element which creates, in their opinion, the human being.
For the believers in the sensory and material element, the life is meant for luxurious enjoyment. This type of satisfaction is the aim of their life.
For the believers in the element of intellect, the aim of life is mental and intellectual development. For them the life without knowledge is useless.
The believers in the element of mind opine that the liberalization of the conscience is the supreme object of life. For the life is worthwhile only when the mind is understood.
For the believers in the soul element, knowledge, truth and soul are essential: apart from that self-realization is more essential.
Thus the human beings in the whole world are busy with the feeling of these four elements; even some of them lose their life in this business.
The sages have shown three paths for the believers in those elements to achieve the supreme object of life.
The path of knowledge.
The path of devotion.
The path of action.
The path of knowledge is good for those who are busy with contemplation, study and thinking, who are philosphers and litterateur and who are able to solve the spiritual problems by their intellectual expertise.
The path of devotion is opted by those who are sensitive and sentimental and emotional and who visualize the mundane activities in the imagination of God.
The path of action is a favourite of those: for whom the ideal of life is the action without condition of result; who treat their duty as the topmost object; whose only aim is the social principles; who do efforts; who believe in the principle of ‘duty is worship’.
Being a part of the society we have to abide by some of the social principles. Seeking faults in one’s own self. inspite of others, may turn this world into heaven.
At the time of creation God gave man two bags, one full of the vices of others and the second full of the virtue and vices of one’s own, for hanging respectively at the back and at the front.
But activated by greed he changed their place. So whenever he opens the bag he finds just the vices of others, because the bag containing his vices is at his back.
Man cannot also tolerate his criticism. A scholar will lose his temper at your indicating his inefficiency in a certain subject. A doctor would not like to hear that he is not perfect in medical practice. A lawyer would never agree with the forecast that his client will lose the case.
Such a man over-estimates himself. putting others on lower side. Even God laughs at him when he loses capacity of tolerating his criticism.
A king asked his minister. ‘Tell me, when is it that God laughs.”
The minister could not answer the question. The king gave him three days time. At home the minister’s son asked the reason behind his sadness. Knowing that, the son told, ‘I will answer the king’s question.”
The minister took him to the palace where the king asked for the answer. The son came forward to say. “The whole world knows that God is the creator of the universe and it is he who feeds all. The living beings generate and degenerate at his will only. Still then the king thinks he feeds all and looks after their well- being. Is this not a sufficient reason for God to laugh at ?”
The answer was grasped, the false belief had come down to the ground of reality.
Unability to control the desire is the biggest obstructive on the way to humanity. Obsessed by emotions he loses his conscience, and obsessed by desire he loses his controlling power.