O brother! The judicious one prepares himself completely being cautious about the blackness of the night seen in the ruddiness of the evening and props up himself by careful steps.
At the same time an ignorant one repenting feels great trouble on being surrounded by the night, attributing his mistake to others, understands that he personally is not at fault, the faulty one is that only due to which one 1 am being put I to loss/ harm, this very is the cause of all my sufferings, just 1 should ¡ make it right, all will then be okay because ‘If the sky falls, we shall gather larks.
O conscious soul! when the gamut of breath may stop when the time may become harsh, when the string of the lute of life may break into pieces, nobody on the earth knows it, what to say of us. Who : knows it all, is keeping complete mum.
That omniscient Lord is know ing all but he is immersed in his own bliss. Well, the God is absorbed in j himself beyond all other matters, is unseparable, is enjoying ineffable, j undisturbed bliss beyond the range of senses.
When the black shadow j is being seen clearly in the state of aliveness, then reflected image of the body is also disclosing the secret of the night of the life by its blackness, i “l am the messenger of the death” continuously signalling this, then why ! careless and ignorant?
O conscious mover God-soul! well, all worldly beings do hustle and bustle being afraid of the coming hint of the near approaching death for saving themselves and take shelter of magical & mystical formulae, Ayurvedic physicians and doctors, take medicinal extracts, chemicals, life-giving herbs, performing devotion, worship, religious-observances, utter prayers (entreat) Mahadeva, God of gods for the safety of their lives.
Also lake vow to propitiate the deity by worship wandering round in different countries. Spend lavishly money-wealth, prosperity for saving their each breath. But whether any one has saved himself from death?
Whether anyone became successful/ capable in saving himself? Oh ignorant Soul! even the ‘Teerthankara, Chakravarti , etc. 63 great personages (Slialakapurush) were not saved from the death in whose service deities including Saudlianna ¡mira remain standing.
All affluences, wealth are dwarf before whom. Indras, etc deities consider themselves fortunate enough by becoming shadow of which Lord, but O conscious Soul that very Lord also attained unperturbed bliss after completing his present age and achieved supreme rank (salvation) ,i.e. became “Siddha” leaving his transitory body.
The Saudharma Indratoo was also deprived of the pleasure of the heaven after completing the I age of the celestial being.
O God Soul! Awake your consciousness before the dark night I comes again. Persevere for the final emancipation for getting perma¬nent abode forever by the right step of restraint. Be mover in conscious soul becoming free from all traps of options where there is neither death,
nor old age, nor mortification, nor transmigration, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor distress, nor illness-affliction, nortear, nor despair sadness, nor lust, nor envy, nor pride, nor insult, nor hospitality, nor rew’ard, nor I saluting, norreproach, nor anguish, nor strife, nor dress, nor appearance, where none is neither small nor big, neither devotee nor the God.
There is only eternal-non breakable regime of the conscious wealth of knowledge, is only right form of supreme existence, is everlasting experience of the knowledge-consciousness in which there is not the least entry of other matters.
Oenjoyerof the unbreakable infinite supreme existence! See the evening has surrounded, the glimpse of the black shadow of the death is reflecting in the ruddiness of the life. Still there is time, prepare yourself i otherwise nothing will be understandable in the blackness of the “Amavashya ” (15th day of dark half of he lunar month).
If by chance you may be able to understand then there remains no time fordoing anything. Only there is time for departing. The strenghth for performing proper/appropriate accomplishment remains no more. Today there is time, also chance, strenght and also ability, i.e. concourse of all requirements are present.
Hence don’t delay in perseverance/effort. After the elapse of time and missing an opportunity only repentance would come in hand and only weeping, lamenting will happen. You will accuse others because of not having belief on the Karinas earned by you and fruits thereof, consequently you will be bonded with hard fetters of new intense inauspicious ‘Karinas‘.
And will take birth-death eighteen times in a breath failing in the infinite jail of Sigod with infinite part of knowledge of a single alphabet.
O Prudent! Accept the Karam-bamlearned in earlier infinite births and also accept Karmic result enjoyed-suffered by your own defective auspicious-inauspicious feelings as the fruit of your own mistakes.
Consider the Vedniya Karina (pain pleasure-giving Karma) responsible for pleasure-pain got present due to virtue-sin as the result of your passionate feeling contrary to the real nature due to fruition of Kaunas and accept your own mistakes and prepare-yourself completely for having faith in the Deity, scripture and Guru adorned with right faith.
Right knowldedge and tight conduct for accomplishing your purpose in the form of ultimate good so that not a single breath may not go empty, not go in waste, Oh! See a little, our this rare human birth and all our rarities are going waste along with this Jain family tradition due to passing our breath empty.
O conscious soul! this is neither the time of accusation and coun¬ter-accusation and nor this human birth got for this work. Well, this birth has been found for washing off the sins of births after births and for ending the occurrence of birth and death again and again.
Hence, utilize it for becoming desire-less away from name, work and lust by appropriate functional consciousness/conscious flow, utilize your characteristic of conscious flow for yourself.
Achieve the top of the universe (place of salvation) becoming pure emancipated soul (Siddlia Bhagwan) by correcting your mistake. End the journey of passionate feelings (contrary to the real nature of the soul) of the infinite world and occupy the place in the society of liberated souls (Siddhas), the master of intenupted —undisturbed bliss thereby proving the true socialismlii.