”’VIDDHHANU (KAV)”’ Name of a poet. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIJAYDWAAR”’ The east door of the rampart of Jambudvip (island). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIDDDAAVARAN”’ Rending or splitting the body organs of beings for trade. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIJAYAACHAARYA”’ An Acharya, the disciple of Baldevsuri. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIJAYDEV”’ Name of a peripatetic deity resident of Vijaydvar of Jambudvip (island) in east direction. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIKRIYA RIDDHIDHARI”’ Saints possessing a supernatural power of transforming body form. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIDEHKKSHETRA”’ Specified 5 regions of middle universe comprising 1 in Jambudvip, 2 in Dhatkikhand & 2 in Pushkarardh where Dushma-Sushma Kal (unhappy-cum-happy period) is prevailing there all the time. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VIDYUJJIVHA”’ Name of a great Digambar Jain Acharya of 20th century. [[Category:Dictionary]]