Cyclic Arrangement Of The Universe There are two divisions of time in the form of Evolution (Utasarpiṇī) and Devolution (Avasarpiṇī) epochs in the Aryan section of Bharata region of Jambūdvīpa. The epoch, in which the life-span of human and sub-human beings, their body-height and prosperity etc. are gradually decreasing, is called Devolution (Avasarpiṇī) epoch. In...
The Towering Personality of Ganini Pramukh Shri Gyanmati Mataji Pujya Ganini Pramukh Shri Gyanmati Mata Ji is like the brilliant sun on the wide-spread sky of Jain tradition in the present century. All the efforts to enclose her glorious personality in words will surely remain incomplete, however with the sincere wish of paying homage to...
Scientific Secrets of Jainism Tatvarthsutra 1st complete book of science of mankind 1. Categories of Truth 2. Nature of the soul 3. The lower & middle regions (Astronomy) 4. The Gods (Devas) 5. Substances (Dravya) 6. Inflow of Karma (Ashrava) 7. The vows 8. The Karmic Bondage 9. Inhibiting & wearing off Karma (Samvar, Nirjara)...