How To Conquer Anger SOME FUNDAMENTALS At Indore one Gentleman came to me and said, "I often get very angry. Kindly guide me so that I may control anger. I said, I give you one hymn (mantra) incanation Keep it with you. When you get anger read it. In the capital letter I have given...
How to Conquer Anger The question is quite fine indeed. It is timely too. The question is both burning and living. People often ask me questions- tievoid of life. Questions which bear no relation, with our personal life, which are unrelated from our internal life - are obviously dead questions. Soulless questions, devoid of sensitiveness,...
The tale of the Creation of Achharya Veer Sagar Chapter 48 A person takes a new birth with the change of his heart. Excellence in life is obtained by the creation of esteemed feelings and with the change of heart. Two youths came to Achharya Shri Shanti Sagar ji Maharaj during his ‘Chaturmas’ with a...
Excellence of Abstinence Chapter- 47 One ‘Muni Maharaj' fell sick in a village. Shravaks of the village made him observe ‘ Yam Sallekhana’(\.e. abandonment of all kinds of food until death) finding his disease incurable. The anguish of thirst began to oppress him gradually and when he could not endure it he started asking for...
Fast: The Redemption from the Moha (Attachment) Chapter- 46 A ‘shravak’ asked Maharaj Shri, “What are the advantages of fast?” “Redemption of the body from the “Moha” (attachment)”, Achharya Shri replied. While fasting, weakness in the body and the trouble caused by hunger is natural, but just as the redemption from moha starts, all these...
Pilgrimage and Abstention Chapter- 45 Virtuous are those whose pilgrimage turns into an adoration of the Self and who return from pilgrimage with some special gift. The “Bhavaya” souls develop such magnificent base for the welfare of their Self by going to pilgrimage of ‘Nirvan Kshetrci that incarnates their dormant inert potentials. Achharya Shri, at...
Excess of Devotion Chapter-44 Prudence is necessary while performing religious rituals. Devotion becomes blind in the absence of prudence. A prudence of least “Aadambar” (ostentation) is expected in all religious acts. Although sectarianism has crept in Jainism due to different manners of worship but Achharya Shri Shanti Sagar ji did not encourage imprudent/indiscriminate religious conduct....
Heroism of Non-Violence Chapter- 43 Non-violence of Jainism is relevant and endowed with lustre of valour on the axis of contemporariness. No cowardice and escapism is hidden in its womb. Achharya Shri Shanti Sagar Ji Maharaj though being an incarnation of non-violence and observer of five great vows, explained non-violence to the Jain society as...