Jainism Jainism is a science and is founded by those Great Ones who have attained perfection with its aid. Scientific validity can't be claimed by mysticism or dogmatism. And it is unnecessary to add that nothing but scientific validity can be trusted for accurate and timely results. FOUR AND TWENTY ''Tirthankaras'Rishabhdev was the first ''tirthankara''...
History Of Jainism BEGINNING PERIOD Presented by - Rishabh Jain , Daliganj, Lucknow There was a time when Jain religion was considered as the branch of Buddhist religion. But this misconception was soon evaded. Owing to new investigations it has been proved that Jain religion has not only separate entity of its own from Buddhist...
Suura सूर A great warrior, Name of a country of Bharat Kshetra Arya Khand (region), Name of a kind of Hari dynasty. शौर्य गूण से सहित अर्थात् समर्थ को सूर कहते है, भरत क्षेत्र के आर्य खण्ड का एक देष, हरिवंषी एक राजा, जिनकी रानी सुरसुन्दरी थी तथा इनके पुत्र राजा अन्धकवृष्टि थे ।
Suutrasama सूत्रसम Scriptural knowledge possessed by the Gandhardev, the chief disiple of Tirthankar (Jaina-Lord). तीर्थकर के मुख से निकला बीजपद सूत्र कहलाता है और जो उस सूत्र से उत्पन्न होता है वह गणधरदेव में स्थित श्रुतज्ञान ’सुत्रसम’ कहा गया है।