Veer Bhakti Yah sarvaani charaacharaani vidhivad-dravyaani teshaam gunaan | Paryaayaanapi bhootbhaavibhavatah, sarvaan sadaa sarvadaa | Jaaneete yugpat pratikshanmatah, sarvagya ityuchyate Sarvagyaay jineshwaraay mahte, veeraay tasmai namah ||1|| That who knows all the animate- inanimate substances with their co-existing qualities and their successive occurrence of past, present and future and also their complete particularities simultaneously at…
As You Sow, So You Reap Thought is nothing but another name of destiny. So, we can make our fate ourselves—healthy or harmful. The patience leads us to success and prosperity, while the bitter (sick) feelings lead us to poverty and failure in every field of life. Good thoughts exist in a kind and noble…
Surprising Results of Karma In this Chapter the Acharyas have described the great dominating power of merits and demerits and the different fruits originated from virtuous and non-virtuous acts. श्रीतीर्थाधिपचक्रर्वितहलभृल्लक्ष्मीशमुख्या: परा धर्मदेव जग्त्त्रयोत्तमयश: श्वेतीकृताशान्तरा: अद्यापि प्रतपत्यवित्रितजन्नामान एवं विधा। आसन् कम्पितखेचरेश्वरसुरक्ष्मापालचक्रा अपि।।८।। धर्मारत्नाकर अ. १ पृ. ५ The eminent persons who have defeated the great kings…
Ichhami Bhante Meaning of Ichhami Bhante Ichhami bhante! Padikkamanmidam suttass, moolpadaanam uttarpadaanama- chchaasandaaye, tam jahaa – Namokkaarpade arhantpade siddhpade, aairiyapade uvajjhaayapade sahupade mangalpade logottampade<ref>Loguttampade’ iti paathah</ref> saranpade saamaaiypade chauvees-titthyarpade<ref>Chauveesam titth ……iti paathah</ref> vandan pade, padikkamanpade pachchakkhaanpade kaausaggpade aseehiyapade niseehiyapade angamgesu puvvamgesu painnyesu paahudesu paahudpaahudesu kadkammesu va bhoodkammesu vaa naanass aikkamandaaye dansnass aikkamandaaye charittass aikkamandaaye tavass…