Scientific View Ecosystem is defined as – “Inter-relationships between living & non-living components of any habitat”. It has a definite structure and functions to do.
GarbhKalyanak It is the first auspicicious event(out of five) of the life of Tirthankar Bhagwan. The mother of Tirthankar sees 16 dreams when Tirthankar child comes in her pious womb.Kuber showers crores of jewel in the courtyard of of mother everyday starting from six month before the conception upto the birth i.e. for 15 month…
Veer Nirvan Samvat – It is the most ancient samvat among all the samvats.It started on the next day of nirvan of 24th tirthankar Mahaveer Swami i.e. on the day of Kartik Shukla Ekam.Now a days 2539th Veer Nirvan Samvat is going on while it is the year 2013.