”’LAV”’ A unit of time, The son of Lord Ram & Sita. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’labdhisaar”’ Name of a great Jaina scripture written by Acharya Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LALITAANG DEV”’ Name of a heavenly deity, the pre-birth soul of Lord Rishabhdev. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LALITKIRTI”’ Name of saints-(1) Spiritual teacher of Ratnanandi – II. (2) The disciple of Jagatkirti of Kashtha group. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LAVANODSIDDH”’ Salvated beings from the Lavan ocean. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’lavanasagar”’ The first ocean of middle universe, containing salty water. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LAGHUTVA GATI”’ Motion (speed) of cotton (pertaining to going up-side in the atmosphere). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LAYAN KARMA”’ Sculpture, to carve out Lord idol in the mountain. [[Category:Dictionary]]