”’LOK VICHAY”’ Contemplation about the shape of Teen Lok (Three worlds), Madhya Lok (middle world) etc. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LOK VICHAY”’ Contemplation about the shape of Teen Lok (Three worlds), Madhya Lok (middle world) etc. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’lipi sankhyaan kriya”’ A kind of auspicious activity observed on the age of 5 yrs. of a child (starting of syllabic knowledge). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LOKPRAMAAN”’ A large area measurement of universe (343 Ghanraju). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’LOKPRATAR”’ A very large imaginary mathematical quantity. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’lingashuddhi”’ Absolute purity of the mind of a saint. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’ling vyabhichaar”’ Wrong interpretation of genders (i.e. masculine for faminine or vice versa). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”LO.PRA.” A symbolic expression for a large imaginary mathematical measurement (according to Jaina-philosophy). [[Category:Dictionary]]