”Prajna” Wisdom [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Pradoshiki-kriya”’ Tendency to accuse others in anger [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Parinami-nitya”’ Eternal but constantly changing [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Pradeshatva”’ Capacity of having some kind of location in space; Spatiality
”’Parihara-vishuddhi”’ Ideal and passionless conduct [[Category:Dictionary]]
[[Category:Dictionary]]”’Kharvata”’ One of the glories of Chakravarti (emperor), low lying land of a mountain with having 200 villages
”’Prarambha-kriya”’ Trying to persevere in one’s attachment to worldly belongings [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’pradesha-bandha:”’ The particular number of the molecules actually absorbed [[Category:Dictionary]]