”’Prakrti”’ Original nature of mind and matter in the Samkhya doctrine; types of karma ”OR” Kind [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Prakrti”’ Original nature of mind and matter in the Samkhya doctrine; types of karma ”OR” Kind [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Parsad gunaudbhavana”’ Proclaiming the good qualities of others [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Paroparodhakarana”’ Residence in a place where one is not likely to be prohibited by others nor where one should be likely to prohibit others. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Paraghata”’ Destructive; Possessing a limb or organ fatal to others, as a lion’s claws, etc. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’Paroksa”’ Indirect perception, accomplished through the senses, inference, etc.; Non-perceptual [[Category:Dictionary]]