Chnadramaal Name of a mountain (Vakshagiri) in the western Videh .
chandrabh A kannad poet who wrote Gommateshwar charit.
Chandraprabhu Name of the 8th tirthankar .
chandraabhaa name of the chief female deity.
chandappahachariu a book writeen by brahmadamodar.
chandraabh name of the 11th kulkar (ethical founder) , city in the south of vijayaardh mountain , a type of laukaantik deities, a king of yadu descendant.
chandraanan a Tirthankar (Jaina -Lord) of Videh Kshetra (region).
Chandrashekhar A king of vidyaadhar descendant .
Chandrasen Spiritual teacher of aryanandi ji.
handravimaan The moon, space vehicles.