Introduction Of Man To Man 0.1 Preface 0.2 Introduction 0.3 Publisher’s Note 0.4 Struggle is Life: Life is Struggle 0.5 Renouncing greed Birth of satisfaction 0.6 Rude Behaviour Root Of Suffering 0.7 Learn By Mistakes Repeat Your Merits 0.8 Saddness Goes Happiness Grows 0.9 Ending Tension: Easiest Mending 1.0 Good For Non-Violence Postures And...
णमोकार मंत्र का माहात्म्य जीवंधर कुमार ने मरते हुए कुत्ते को णमोकार मंत्र सुनाया जिसके प्रभाव से वह मरकर देवगति में सुदर्शन यक्षेन्द्र हो गया। उसने वहाँ से आकर जीवंधर कुमार को नमस्कार किया और स्तुति की। एसो पंचणमो यारो, सव्व पावप्पणासणो। मंगलाणं च सव्वेिंस, पढमं हवइ मं गलं।। अर्थ - यह पंच नमस्कार मंत्र...
बाल विकास भाग-२ 01. चत्तारि मंगलं 02. तीर्थंकर जन्मभूमि वंदना 03. तीर्थ का महत्व 4. बारह भावना 5. स्थावर जीव 6. त्रसजीव 7. पंचेन्द्रिय तिर्यंच के भेद 8. अष्ट मूलगुण 9. रात्रिभोजन त्याग 10. जीव दया 11. छना पानी 12. पंचपरमेष्ठी नमस्कार 13. नवदेवता 14. गति के भेद 15. जम्बूद्वीप 16. चौबीस तीर्थंकर स्तुति 17....
बाल विकास भाग १ 01. णमोकार मंत्र 02. णमोकार मंत्र का माहात्म्य 03. णमोकार मंत्र के अपमान का कुफल 04. चौबीस तीर्थंकर 05. जीव-अजीव 06. जीव के भेद 07. इन्द्रिय का लक्षण 08. सच्चे देव, शास्त्र और गुरु 09. देव भक्ति का सुफल 10. देव प्रतिमा के अपमान का कुफल 11. गुरु भक्ति का सुफल...
Monks And Nuns It makes no difference, whether you adhere to the orthodox belief that Jainism is a periodically reoccurring religion or to the view, expounded in most books on Jainism by western authors, that it began with Mahavira (599-527 BC) or possibly with Parshva or Parshvanatha (the Sanskrit word natha, meaning "Lord". is a...
The Story Of A Father And His Two Sons Man's craving for power has been the cause of much suffering in this world-and still is. Thus, understandably, mythologies, that is, accounts of how it may have. begun with mankind, usually begin with the description of a merciless fight between good and evil. The need to...
The Face Of The Jina In Jaina Art 3 Colossal head of a Jina 5th century. Mathura Museum 4 Bronze bead of Adinatha. Found at Akota, Gujarat. 5th century. (Courtesy Baroda Museum-5 Head of a standing Parshvanatha. Humchu. Karnataka. Late ninth century 6 Head of a seated Adinatha Khajuraho Museum 7 Head of a standing...
The Jinas: Their Names & Symbols 1. Twenty- four Tirthankaras cut into a boulder in two rows. Near Gingee, South Arcot, Tamilnadu, fifth/sixth century. The universe, according to Jaina teaching, has no beginning and no end. Time is an unbroken and never- ending succession of cosmic cycles, each of which consist of an upward...