Nimola Shree 1008 Parshwanath Digambar Jain Atishay Kshetra Nimola, District – Tonk, Rajast, Located in Nimola town, Tonk Distict, Rajasthan. The main idol is of Bhagwan Parswanath in white marble stone in a sitting padmasan posture.
Why to fear the fear? Man's emotions include indomitable strength. enthusiasm, patience, power and so, on the one hand. and cowardice, fear, fright, terror and so, on the other He performs best possible duties, brings out latest inventions and devotes all his nights and days for the betterment of humanity, flora, fauna and the environment....
Reduced Attachment Better Character Man has an attachment generally towards his own or of someone else: food of his liking: wealth, paraphernalia and luxury. The satisfaction of these attachments brings more and more attachments to surround the man. He is not able to read his needs. He does not know what actually is needed...
Morality Rules The Territory Of Mind Man's desires and expectations are infinite. They have no end. Satisfaction of destres is not possible. Satisfaction means generating a new desire. Desire results into violence. There is always struggle. amongst the desires. The same struggle results into mental disturbance, Mental disturbance means deviation from morality. The brain...
The Best Performance The Best Religion Man's humanism is his best introduction. best definition and the best religion. Defining a religion will bring us within the sectarian limit. Better if we broaden the definition of 'religion' to the extent that the whole of the society, country, world and the universe are encircled by it. ...
Your Own Reformation The World's Reformation There should be a vision for viewing the world. If viewed with a clear vision the world will look clear. If viewed with a faded vision, the world will look faded. He cannot see anything whose eyes suffer from cataract. Everything looks yellow to a jaundiced eye. Everything looks...
Control Your Anger Prosper And Prosper You felt hungry. Ordered your wife to serve the meal. The meal was served. It was tasty. You were fully satisfied. The same thing was repeated the next day. But today there is an excessive quantity of salt in the vegetable. It makes you mentally uneasy. The third...
Reduce Worries Live At Ease Man is a social being. He is associated with the society. The social environment influences him. The same environment brings up and downs in his life, and he feels pleasures and pains. God has gifted man with conscience. He can think and understand. Because of that power of thinking...
Our Greatness Within Ourselves In today's busy and materialistic environment we perform many duties. Many of these are performed in such a way that they seem to be performed not by us but by themselves. Even we are not aware of the movement of our own limbs of body. As if these duties are performed...
Wealth Is The Cause Not The Effect How independent, how happy was the men in primitive days! He has been becoming dependent since he has stepped into the day of civilization. The things, he had created or produced for his facility, have been blocking up his facilities one way or the other. He invented...