Shri Ajit Prasad Jain A veteran Congress Leader, Ex-Union Minister and Ex-Governor of Kerala, Shri Ajit Prasad Jain has held highest positions in his public life. He was born at Meeut in 1902. He did his M.A. (Hons) and LL.B. from Lucknow University and has been a practising advocate for many years. He was...
Shri Anand Raj Surana Born on 15th September, 1891 at Jodhpur Shri Anand Raj Surana inherited Ahimsa and love for animals as his priceless heritage from his highly cultured father Seth Chandmal Surana, a pioneer of indigenous public movements and Honorary Supervisor of a large Pinjrapole (Animals' home). Shri Surana entered Railway service in Bikaner...
Seth Achal Singh Seth Achal Singh, M.P. is a veteran Con- gressite. He was born at Agra on 5th May, 1895 in a rich and religious minded Oswal Jain family and was educated at Agra and Agricultural Colleges at IMaini and Kanpur, An active participant in national movements, he suffered imprisonment for 6 months in...
Shri Yashpal Jain Worthy of his name, Shri Yashpal Jain is a writer and devoted social reformer of high repute. After doing B.A. in 1935 and LL.B. in 1937 from Allahabad University he chose to become a writer and journalist. He wrote a novel while only a student of 9th class. A regular writer since...