Aatapatra A parasol-one of the 14 jewels of a Chakravati (emperor)
Importance of Vegetarianism in the Indian Context Bharat, i.e. India, is an ancient land. In the general stream of continuity of culture, history, religion and tradition, the importance of vegetarianism seems to have remained constant I and unaffected. We come across vegetarians spread all over India. Bom vegetarians, they never felt like tasting meat at…
Aatha Shuddhi Eight particular kinds of purity related to mind, speech, body, food etc
Aate Ka Murgaa Name of a religious novel containing the greatness of non-violence written by Ganini Aryika Shri Gyanmati Mataji
Aagyaa Samyaktvaarya A type of Aryas (noble persons), who attain right perception by following the preaching of Lord Jinendra