Suyasa सुयष Good reputation or fame. Name of a residential deity of saugankhik summit to Manushottar mountain. प्रसिद्धि, कीर्ति, मानुषोत्तर, पर्वतस्य सौगान्धिक कूट का स्वामी भवनवासी सुपर्णकुमार देव ।
Sumeru सुमेरू The chief mountain with gold shine of middle universe. मध्यलोक का सर्वप्रधान पर्वत । यह स्वर्ण वर्ण व कुटाकार है। जम्बूद्वीप के बीचोबीच में स्थित यह पर्वत 1 लाख 40 योजन ऊॅंचा है इसे सुदर्षनमेरू के नाम से जाना जाता है।
Sumukhii सुमुखी A beautiful lady, Name of the 49 th city in the south of Vijayardha mountain. सुन्दर मुख वाली स्त्री, विजयार्ध पर्वत की दक्षिण श्रेणी की 49 वीं नगरी ।
Sumitraa सुमित्रा Name of female divinity of Kanchan summit of saumnas Gajdant mountain,Mothers’s Name of Lakshaman सौमनस गजदंत के कांचन कूट की देवी, लक्ष्मण की माता ।
Jain View of Development & Environment - Anupam Jain & Manisha Jain India has a glorious past and a lot of contribution has been made by Indians in the development of knowledge. Of course it is true that religion & philosophy are the major field of interest but our ancestor significantly contributed in the field...
The Ratna Karanda Sravakachara (Part VI) SALLEKHANA PART VI उपसर्गे दुर्भिक्षे जरसि रुजायां च निःप्रतीकारे।धर्माय तनुविमोचनमाहुः सल्लेखनामार्याः।।१२२।। The most excellent of men describe the giving up of the body (ghost) on the arrival of unavoidable calamity, distress, senescence and disease, with a view of increase of spiritual merit, as sallekhana. Explanation – Sallekhana – death...
The Ratna Karanda Sravakachara (Part V) SIKSHA VRATAS PART V देशावकाशिकं वा सामयिकं प्रोषघोपवासो वा।वैयावृत्यं शिक्षा व्रतानि चत्वारि शिष्टानि।।९१।। Desavakasika, samayika, prosadhaopavasa and vaiyavrita, these four are known as siksha vows. देशावकाशिकं स्यात्कालपरिच्छेदनेन देशस्य।प्रत्यहमणुव्रतानां प्रतिसंहारो विशालस्य।।९२।। Limiting the sphere of one's activity still further from day to day and for fixed periods within the larger...
The Ratna Karanda Sravakachara (Part IV) The Guna Vratas दिग्व्रतमनर्थदण्डव्रतं च भोगोपभोगपरिमाणम्।अनुबृंहणाद्गुणनामाख्यन्ति गुणव्रतान्यार्याः।।६७।। Because the dig, the anarthananda and the bhogopabhoga parimana vratas (vows) tend to increase virtue (i.e., the merit of the five ana vratas), great personages have called them guna vratas. दिग्वलयं परिगणितं कृत्वातोऽहं बहिर्न यास्यामि।इति सङ्कल्पो दिग्व्रत मामृत्यणुपापविनिवृत्यै।।६८।। I shall not travel...