No. Of Dreams Of Tirthankar's Mother There are 16 dreams which Tirthankar's Mother see when She is expected to give birth of Tirthankar. 16 Dreams are as follow: 1) The 1st dream that Queen Trishala had was of an Eravat Elephant. It was a pure white, big, tall, and an impetuous with four trunks. It...
Dashlakshan Parva Presented by - Dr. Anupam Jain, Indore ( M.P. ) Jainism is an eternal and natural religion. Historians also accept that it is one of the oldest living religions of the world. Like other religions it also has a rich tradition of festivals. There are two types of festivals- Eternal Astanhika, Dashlakshan or...
Lord Padmaprabh Predecessor 05. Sumatinath Swami| Bhagwan Sumatinath Successor 07. Suparshvanath Swami| Bhagwan Suparshvanath Birthplace Kaushambi (U.P.) Father King Dharanraj Mother Queen Susima Caste (Varna) Kshatriya Dynasty Ikshvaku Body Colour Like Ruby Symbol Red Lotus Age 30 Lac Purva Years Height 250 bows (750 meters) Body Occupancy One Thousand Hands Incarnation (in womb) Magh Krishna...
Lord Sumatinath Predecessor 04. Abhinandannath Swami| Bhagwan Abhinandannath Successor 06. Padmaprabh Swami| Bhagwan Padmaprabh Birthplace Ayodhya (U.P.) Father King Meghrath Mother Queen Sumangala Devi Caste (Varna) Kshatriya Dynasty Ikshvaku Body Colour Golden Symbol Sheldrake Age 40 Lacs Purva Years Height 300 Bows (900 Meters) Body Occupancy 12 Hundred Hands Incarnation (In Womb) Shravan Shukla 2...
Ponnur Hills Shri Visakha Acharya Tapo NilayamKil Nandiyambadi Road, Kund Kund Nagar, P.O. – Vadavanakambadi,Taluka – Wandwasi, District – Tiruvannamalai, (Tamilnadu) Pin – 604505Phone. 04183-227018 Shri Ponnur Hills, is the Tapo Bhumi of Acharya Kund Kund who lived 2000 years ago. The Ponnur Hills Tapo Bhumi Nilayam Teerth Kshetra is more then 2000 years ancient...
Digambar Jain Trilok Shodh Sansthan (Regd.) or Digambar Jain Institute of Cosmographic Research (DJICR) In the year 1972, this institute was established by the inspiration of Pujya Gyanmati Mataji and in the year 1974, the institute bought a small piece of land for the construction of Jambudweep in the way of Nashia at Hastinapur, the...
Jeevan Prakash Jain Name JEEVAN PRAKASH JAIN Father's Name Shri L.C. Jain Permanent Address 102, Clerk Colony, Indore-452010 (M.P.) INDIA Present Address Digambar Jain Institute of Cosmographic Research (DJICR) Jambudweep-Hastinapur Distt.-Meerut (Uttar Pradesh)-250 404, INDIA Contact No. +91 9411025124, +91 1233 280316 E-mail, Date of Birth August 26, 1978 Languages Known Hindi &...