”’VARSHAA RITU”’ RAINY SEASON . [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VACHA SHARIR VIVEK”’ Not to say others for the protection of one-self (a kind of wisdom). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VARAATAK KARMA”’ [[Category:Dictionary]] A religious act of name installation (related to a small shell or cowrie).
”’VARTANAA”’ Continuous inperceptible minute changes in any matter. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VASUPAAL”’ Name of a great Jaina king of Magadh, who got many temples built at Abu mountains. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VASHYHA YANTRA”’ A special metallic plate engraved with mystic words & diagrams (pertaining to enchantment). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VARNAVIBHAAG”’ Four classes into which Indo-Aryan society was early divided. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VASUNANDI SHRAAVAKAACHAAR”’ Name of a treatise written by Acharya Vasunandi. [[Category:Dictionary]]