Dykes Good thoughts are bariers of the flood of troubles which keep the wall of patience undamaged. बाँध अच्छे विचार दु:खों की बाढ़ के बाँध होते हैं, जो धैर्य की दीवार को टूटने से रोके रखते हैं।
Dykes Good thoughts are bariers of the flood of troubles which keep the wall of patience undamaged. बाँध अच्छे विचार दु:खों की बाढ़ के बाँध होते हैं, जो धैर्य की दीवार को टूटने से रोके रखते हैं।
Patience During the moments of struggle keeping a hold on mind, if heart is veiled with patience, then it is impossible for lips of defeat to kiss the virgin of life.
Thurst Love is a thurst of two souls which strikes lips and flows from eyes.
Toy Of Life The present life is such a toy which is played by all to disgrace it.
Wrapper Of Purity If a woman has a wrapper of purity in her character, there would not be inflicted blots.
Sweetness Woman is a delicate cheation. If you want to conqure the fort of her heart, you should behave with sweetness.
Good Character I will like to live in that world where the coin of good character is in force.
Belief I belief certainly about my death but i do not believe about my life.