”’VAPPILAA”’ Mother’s name of Lord Naminath. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VARGIT SANVARGIT”’ Raising a number to its own power. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VARAAH”’ Rhinoceros, significant symbol of Lord Shreyansnath, Name of a city in the north of Vijayardh mountain. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VAYOPEKSHAA VIVARJANA”’ Disruption of meditative relaxation due to old age (a fault). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VAPUH SPARSH”’ Touching the body organs (a fault of meditative relaxation). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VARDHAMAANCHARITRA”’ Name of a treatise related to the biography of Lord Mahavira. [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VACHA VAIYAAVRATTA VIVEK”’ Not to allow others to serve oneself (a kind of discrimination). [[Category:Dictionary]]
”’VANSPATI (KAAY)”’ Vegetation (one-sensed beings), Vegetable bodied. [[Category:Dictionary]]